Canadian Nurse Launches Life Management Logbooks and App to Help People Organize and Protect Important Documents


British Columbia (April 23, 2023) – Organize your life and documents simply, safely and securely with the My Life Manager and My Health Manager logbooks and a mobile app developed by Canadian Registered Nurse, Katrina Mulberry.


The truth is that many people do not have a problem storing important documents but creating an organized system for quick retrieval is often where the rubber meets the road. Searching for unorganized documents can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially in emergencies. But not anymore.


Touted as The Ultimate in Life and Healthcare Organization, Mulberry’s My Life Manager and My Health Manager guides are designed to help users store and organize important documents efficiently and securely for easy access. My Life Manager is a personal record keeper that allows users to record personal and legal documents and other information in one place. The logbook features a beautiful layout of tables and forms to help users effortlessly monitor and track finances, assets, insurance payments, debts, and life goals. My Health Manager is a 28-page healthcare guide that allows users to record and track health and lifestyle details, from medications, test results, family health patterns, and more. An essential tool for cargivers and those with health concerns.


My Life Manager app facilitates seamless and secure storage of documents and information for access on the go. Users can store important documents digitally, keep pictures of cards, and monitor important dates such as passport expiry! The app also serves as a backup for when My Life and Health Manager logbooks are not accessible and worse case when important documents are lost. No data is collected in this Locker App and biometrics are used for security.


My Life Manager and My Health Manager logbooks are an updated version of Mulberry’s original edition of a simple binder with tabs and plastic page holders for original documents and a “learn how to budget” section, which she designed with the advice from her financial planner and business associates. The logbooks received such positive reception especially from fellow parents wanting to teach money management to their teens. This motivated Mulberry to revise and improve the tools to reach a wider audience. The logbooks and app are part of the Manage Me ™ brand that also includes the Manage Me™ Life / Health USB portable data sticks.


According to Mulberry, the idea of creating a Life Management system was considered early in her nursing career after witnessing the inefficiency of sharing medical information. Explaining her motivation for creating the logbooks, she said: “Friends were always impressed at how I managed to juggle my own life and work with my homelife raising four daughters. I told them that the secret was life organization. I created the logbooks and app to share my knowledge with friends and those far and wide who needed who needed more organization in their lives.”


My Life Manager and My Health Manager are designed to be a personal record keeper and are ideal for anyone looking for life organization made simple – from students and entrepreneurs to homemakers and senior citizens. The logbooks are available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Walmart, and other online bookstores. My Life Manager app is available for download for Apple and Android devices. For further information, visit:


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